Letter to Trump Administration

April 23, 2020 

The Honorable Donald Trump  

President of the United States  

The White House  

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW  

Washington, DC 20500  

Dear President Trump, 

As a broad coalition representing humanitarian, research, peacebuilding, faith-based, human  rights, and other civil society organizations with over 40 million supporters, we write to you out  of deep concern for the health and well-being of ordinary people in Iran, Syria, Venezuela,  Cuba, North Korea, and other heavily-sanctioned locations. We also seek relief for people in  Gaza, the West Bank, Yemen, and other countries being sanctioned by U.S. security partners  and where U.S. laws and policies sanction non-state groups that control territory or political  structures. 

The current COVID-19 pandemic highlights the precarious and, in some cases, critical state of  the health infrastructures and economies of these sanctioned locations, and how, without  immediate intervention, millions of people face severe economic hardship, infection, and death. 

We support UN Secretary-General António Guterres in his recent call “for the waiving of  sanctions that can undermine countries’ capacity to respond to the pandemic.” [1] Specifically, we  urge you to: 

1) Issue emergency universal exemptions for humanitarian goods. The exemptions  could take the form of an emergency universal general license that would allow  humanitarian agencies to respond to the crisis quickly and more effectively.  

The license would need to, at minimum, exempt:  

1) Aid necessary for the treatment of COVID-19; 

2) Equipment used in the recovery from the disease; 

3) Goods required to address simultaneous needs and issues exacerbated by  the pandemic such as food security, water supply, civilian energy infrastructure,  and other health-related needs such as medical kits and equipment;  

4) Necessary training required for the use of medical and humanitarian  

equipment; and, 

5) Communication and partnerships with non-sanctioned organizations and  individuals. (These exemptions would be necessary for contexts such as North Korea where a specific license is required for partnerships with non-sanctioned  organizations and individuals). 

6) Transactions and communications ordinarily incidental and necessary to  accessing civilian populations in need of assistance. 

Finally, the universal general license must address the reluctance of financial  institutions, as well as other entities within supply chains, to carry out transactions  required for the delivery of this aid.  

2) Implement reporting protocols that monitor the impact and human cost of  sanctions. High COVID-19 related death rates in heavily-sanctioned countries illustrate  the grave consequences of deficient healthcare infrastructures, weakened in part by  sanctions. In 2019, the Government Accountability Office issued a report that noted,  “[s]anctions may also have unintended consequences for targeted countries, such as  negative impacts on human rights or public health.” [2] In addition, the report concluded  that unilateral sanctions measures are difficult to assess and are not necessarily  effective in achieving foreign policy aims. We urge the implementation of regular  assessments to better understand the human costs of sanctions and whether sanctions  are effective in achieving their purpose. 

3) Suspend broad-based and sectoral sanctions that cause significant economic  damage and leave populations more exposed to sickness and disease, food  insecurity, and other humanitarian emergencies. Even prior to the COVID-19  pandemic, an increasing number of humanitarian and human rights experts warned of  the impacts of sanctions on ordinary civilians.  

For example, various experts have noted that sanctions were already causing shortages  of medical supplies, decimating livelihoods, blocking banking channels, and  exacerbating already dire situations in sanctioned countries such as Iran, Venezuela,  North Korea, Syria, and other heavily-sanctioned locations. [3][4][5][6] 

These problems are not only devastating for the millions of people living in sanctioned  regions, but, at the present moment, they also are a threat to the health and safety of  non-sanctioned countries around the world. The swift spread of COVID-19 to every  corner of the globe clearly shows that an out-of-control epidemic in just one country is a public health threat for all of us. Broad, sectoral sanctions should be suspended in order  to help strengthen, and in some cases rebuild, critical health infrastructures. As the UN  High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet has stated: 

“At this crucial time, both for global public health reasons, and to support the rights and  lives of millions of people in these countries, sectoral sanctions should be eased or  suspended. In a context of global pandemic, impeding medical efforts in one country  heightens the risk for all of us7.” 

The urgent appeals listed above are based on a commitment to save human lives and build  global environments of cooperation. The collective decades of research and on-the-ground  experience of signatories to this letter have led us to the conclusion that broad, unilateral  sanctions are harming ordinary civilians and inhibiting effective international cooperation to fight  the COVID-19 pandemic.  

We therefore urge you to take immediate emergency measures, and consider long-term  measures as well, that would allow the peoples of sanctioned countries to respond to the  devastating human and economic fallout of COVID-19. 

[1] Lynch, Colum. U.N. Calls for Rolling Back Sanctions to Battle Pandemic. Foreign Policy, 24 Mar. 2020,  foreignpolicy.com/2020/03/24/un-coronavirus-cuba-iran-venezuela-north-korea-zimbabwe-sanctions-pandemic/.

[2] Office, U.S. Government Accountability. “Economic Sanctions: Agencies Assess Impacts on Targets, and Studies  Suggest Several Factors Contribute to Sanctions' Effectiveness.” U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO),  2 Oct. 2019, www.gao.gov/products/GAO-20-145. 

[3] “‘Maximum Pressure’: US Economic Sanctions Harm Iranians' Right to Health.” Human Rights Watch, 29 Oct. 2019,  www.hrw.org/report/2019/10/29/maximum-pressure/us-economic-sanctions-harm-iranians-right-health.

[4] Sachs, Jeffrey, and Mark Weisbrot. “Economic Sanctions as Collective Punishment: The Case of Venezuela.”  Center for Economic and Policy Research, 19 Apr. 2019, cepr.net/report/economic-sanctions-as-collective punishment-the-case-of-venezuela/. 

[5] “Report of the Panel of Experts.” S/2019/691 - E - S/2019/691, 31 July 2019, undocs.org/S/2019/691.

[6] “Humanitarian Impact of Syria-Related Unilateral Restrictive Measures.” The Intercept, 28 Sept. 2016,  theintercept.com/document/2016/09/28/humanitarian-impact-of-syria-related-unilateral-restrictive-measures/.

[7] “Bachelet Calls for Easing of Sanctions to Enable Medical Systems to Fight COVID-19 and Limit Global Contagion.”  OHCHR, 24 Mar. 2020, www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=25744&LangID=E.


About Face: Veterans Against the War 

American Friends Service Committee 

Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security 

Center for Constitutional Rights 

Center for International Policy 

Center on Conscience & War 

Channing and Popai Liem Education Foundation 

Charity & Security Network 

Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America 

Church of the Brethren Office of Peacebuilding and Policy 

Church World Service 

Churches for Middle East Peace 


Congregation of Our Lady of the Good Shepherd, U.S. Provinces 

DC International Womxn's Alliance (DIWA) 

Defending Rights & Dissent 

Democratic Socialists of America 

Environmentalists Against War 


Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of  Christ 

Grassroots Global Justice Alliance 

Grassroots International 

Heartland Initiative 

Helping Hand for Relief and Development 

Human Security Collective 

Institute for Policy Studies, New Internationalism Project 

International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) 

JASS/Just Associates 

Just Foreign Policy 


Korea Peace Network 

Latin America Working Group 


Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns 

Mennonite Central Committee U.S. Washington Office 

National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd 

National Association of Korean Americans (NAKA) 

National Council of Churches 

National Iranian American Council Action 

National Students for Justice in Palestine 

No War Campaign 

Nodutdol for Korean Community Development 

Pax Christi International 

Pax Christi USA 

Peace Action 

Peace Action Maine 

Peace Action New York State 

Peace Appeal Foundation 

Peace Corps Iran Association, Board 

Peace Direct 

Peace Philosophy Centre 


Presbyterian Church USA 

Project Blueprint 

Rethinking Foreign Policy 

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas - Justice Team 

The Board of the Peace Corps Iran Association 

The Korea Peace Committee of the Korean Association of the United Methodist Church

The United Methodist Church - General Board of Church and Society TLtC Justice & Peace Committee 

United for Peace and Justice 

United Mission For Relief and Development UMR 

US Labor Against the War 

Veterans for Peace Korea Peace Campaign 

War Prevention Initiative 

War Resisters League 

Western States Legal Foundation 

Women Cross DMZ 

World Beyond War 

Zakat Foundation of America 

CC: Secretary Steven Mnuchin 

Secretary Michael Pompeo


Memo to the Biden-Harris transition team


Letter supporting the Congressional Oversight of Sanctions Act (COSA)